Human resources are the main elements that influence the process of adding product
quality. The main role of the workforce is still the main thing in the industrial world, not
a few companies still require manual handling. After observing and interviewing on the
production floor for all work stations, there were findings of problems, namely 7 workers
experienced pain/complaints due to work. One of the efforts to overcome the problems
that occur is to evaluate the posture of the workers at all work stations using the Rapid
Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) method, and statistical tests are carried out to determine
the relationship between work posture variables and musculoskeletal complaints. The
statistical test results show the correlation coefficient (r) of 0.695 while the table value
of 0.514. The output significance value shows a value of 0.004 which means <0.05, it can
be said that there is a relationship between work posture and musculoskeletal complaints
or in other words, the higher the work posture value, the higher the musculoskeletal
complaints in workers. While the results of the chi-square test > table value
(8,750>5,991) showed the asymp value. sig, obtained p value of 0.013. Because the value
is 0.013 <0.05, it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means
that there is a significant relationship between work posture and musculoskeletal
complaints. Based on the results of the research, it is suggested that workers should pay
attention to their posture during work, the company should provide training and guidance
on ergonomic positions during work, and the last one is to design tools according to the
needs on the production floor. The design of the tool in the form of an ergonomic chair is
in accordance with the anthropometric data of the workers.