Institut Teknologi Indonesia(Institut Teknologi Indonesia, 2024)
Penelitian merupakan salah satu Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi yang wajib dilakukan
selain pengajaran dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Perguruan Tinggi, berkolaborasi dengan
pemerintah dan swasta merupakan penggerak utama ...
Institut Teknologi Indonesia(Institut Teknologi Indonesia, 2024)
Penelitian merupakan salah satu Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi yang wajib dilakukan selain
pengajaran dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Perguruan Tinggi, berkolaborasi dengan
pemerintah dan swasta merupakan penggerak utama ...
Alawiyah, Novi(Institut Teknologi Indonesia, 2024)
Penyakit alzheimer adalah jenis penyakit yang memerlukan penanganan cepat dan
terarah. Pendeteksian penyakit alzheimer bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan image Xray dan hanya para dokter khusus yang bisa membaca citra hasil ...
Kuntolaksono, Satrio(Institut Teknologi Indonesia, 2023-07-23)
In this study, AuNPs were reduced using ortho-hydroxybenzoic acid (o-HBA)
and various stabilizing agents (α-CDs and β-CDs). The stability, shape, size, and
sensitivity of the Fe3+ detection of AuNPs α-CDs and AuNP β-CDs ...
This research uses basic compound of BaTiO3 (BTO) and single phase multiferroic
material BiFeO3 (BFO) with weight ratio of BTO: BFO = 2: 1 to produce multiferoic ceramic.
The purpose of this research is to know magnetic ...
Bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3) is one of multiferroic material group, but it is difficult to produce
BiFeO3 in single phase as multiferroic material because it occurs leakage of current arising
from non stoichiometric. So, to ...
Durian peel waste (Durio zibethinus Murray) is not effectively exploited and even left to
become rubbish, which pollutes the environment. The cellulose from durian peel can be used to
generate absorbent activated carbon. ...
Particular ventilation design can create effective natural air
movement into the indoor environment by flowing the outside wind.
The window, as a kind of ventilation, has various designs. It combines
three primary ...
Kuntolaksono, Satrio(Institut Teknologi Indonesia, 2023-05)
Encapsulation of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in agar and its electrochemical characteristic of single cell with immobilized yeast S. cerevisiae were examined in this study. Yeast entrapped on agar matrix at varied ...
Sukotjo, Setiarti(Institut Teknologi Indonesia, 2021)
Sagabean as a plant protein source, Sagabean has not been used by society. Several studies regarding Sagabean being a food product have been initiated. Sagabean can be used as tauco. The study was to observe the growth ...
Sukotjo, Setiarti(Institut Teknologi Indonesia, 2022)
Tomatoes, which have a limited shelf life must be processed further, one of which will be used as a jelly drink. In Indonesia, tomatoes are relatively inexpensive, but beverage products made from tomatoes are still limited. ...
Sukotjo, Setiarti(Institut Teknologi Indonesia, 2021)
Carica [Vasconcellea pubescens] is a type of papaya fruit mostly cultivated in the Dieng area, Central Java, Indonesia. Carica is smaller than regular papaya, has an orange to yellow color, the flesh is tough, has a lot ...