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Title: Similarity - Community service as an application of the independent learning – independent campus program to improve the competence of chemical engineering students through collaborative and student project-based
Authors: Enjarlis, Enjarlis
Issue Date: 28-Jul-2022
Publisher: Education for Chemical Engineers
Abstract: The community service program is one of the Tri Dharma or three obligations of Higher Education conducted by the academic community in Indonesia. A brand-new initiative in education was unveiled by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, specifically Independent Learning – Independent Campus. Numerous Chemical Engineering – Institut Teknologi Indonesia faculty members and students collaborated with partners to manufacture and diversify cocozone oil as an outcome of downstream research and community service. As part of the 'Independent Learning - Independent Campus' program, community service is examined to determine its effect on student competence development and faculty-student engagement. Furthermore, students are unaware of its cost because it is subsidized by the government, though it highlights the importance of voluntary community work. Similarly, faculty members followed the same trend, though their ratings were higher than the pupils. Student socialization is an important part of their education and learning process. Additionally, community service activities are beneficial to the partner since they cushion them against the economic effect of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Description: Hasil Similarity - Community service as an application of the independent learning – independent campus program to improve the competence of chemical engineering students through collaborative and student project-based
Appears in Collections:Similarity - Journal Articles

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